Making The Leap

Making The Leap

July 5, 2011

Officially I was a professional organizer. A business owner.  An entrepreneur. 

Unofficially I was on the verge of being unemployed (and I was the boss) and broke. 

The business was launched.  I was blogging.  Yet I had a total of zero clients. 

Feeling sorry for myself, I crawled home with my tail tucked between my legs. 

July 4th :: 8:00pm :: I watched fireworks with my parents in my hometown. 

July 5th :: 7:30am :: I watched them back out of the driveway as they went to work.  

Coffee in hand, I made my way to the garage "attic". 

I climbed the stairs. Flipped on the light.  Took a deep (albeit dusty) breath in. And for a few moments considered giving it all up.

Attic Before

I had used up my savings.  My phone & email were silent.  And I was scared. 

What was I doing? Who did I think I was? Clearly getting a job would be way easier. 

I let the breath go with a huge defeating sigh.  

I walked around, surveying the stuff.  I came to a pile that was familiar.  My old toys. 

I sat down & emptied a bag. Then a box. Memories flooded in of playing with my Barbie Dolls. 

As I surveyed my memories, I started to clear some space.  Some went in the trash because the heat had ruined them. Others went to my car for donation because living up here was serving no one, including the dolls. 

July 9 :: Three donation runs. Five trash hauls. $200 spent on shelving and bins. Four zones of organized storage bliss. 

And there it was amongst the clear floor and the labeled containers. 

My gift. My passion. My purpose. My drive. 

I knew it was there all along.  I just needed a kick in the pants to remind me. 

We celebrated with a surf n turf meal and I returned to my apartment. Four weeks later I landed my first real client. 

Organized Attic

Take the leap.  Make the jump. Close your eyes and flail your arms wide. 

It's going to be an amazing ride. 

Love Jennifer.jpg

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