Organizing Is An Inside Job


During the night, deep in sleep, I found myself in conversation.

She was shorter than I, my conversation companion. With a bit more gray hair and wrinkles.

She leaned in and asked for the organizing secret formula.

"What, dear Jennifer, do I need to buy to keep this house organized?"

Time and time again I have found myself in this conversation. The other looking for the blueprint, the game day playbook, the top secret thing that stands between her and her organizing dream.

I leaned backed, scratched my head, and furrowed my brow.

"There is nothing on this earth that you can buy that will live up to the expectations you have of keeping your home organized. It is not the responsibility of the structure, but rather the responsibility of the owner in charge"

She wasn't happy, this I could see in her expression, yet I continued.

"Organizing comes from within. It is internal, not external. It is a way of being. A way of looking at this world.

It is a lens in which you view YOUR world.

It is how you operate day in and day out. It determines the decisions you make which determine how organized your world will be." I explained.

Do I say yes to the invitation or do I say no? No calendar or planner will do that for you, that is an inside job.

Do I buy another pair of black boots, when I already have five that look similar at home? No closet system will make that decision for you. Again inside job.

Organizing is not about what you buy to keep you organized. It quite simply, much to this world's dismay, is about the decisions you make on the type of life you want to live.

Do you want an organized life, or not? If yes, then your decisions will dictate the level of organization that you achieve within that container called life.

If there was a magic solution, then I would be rich. I could sell it to the corners of the earth. But there isn't.

This is about the structure you build to support the style of life you want to have. Organized or disorganized.

Rarely is there a middle ground, the pendulum is always swinging.

And then I woke up.


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