Healthy Hair Guide

Did you know that your hair changes as you age?

I realized my skin and metabolism would, but goodness not my hair!

What worked in my 20s is not working in my 30s, and I sure do miss the days of long thick-ish hair!

I mentioned in last week’s video that I’m on a mission to get my hair healthy again.

For example, your protein intake can affect the overall health of your hair.

……did NOT know that! cue the beans!

As I’ve been researching and interjecting new things along the way, I wanted to share with you (in the event you want beautiful healthy hair too). ;)

For reference: I have thin, fine hair that trends on the oily side. Adjust recommendations accordingly.

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The logic behind getting your hair trimmed every X weeks just didn’t make sense to me.

That is until I went for a hair trim and she cut off over 4” of hair! All of that effort and time to grow it long and she had to trim it off because it was really unhealthy!

My hairdresser recommended that I come every 7-8 weeks for a trim so we can keep an eye on things and keep the ends tidy so they don’t break any further.


I am embarrassed to admit that I was washing my hair every other day with castile soap and thinking I was doing myself a favor.

The castile soap was leaving an oily residue all over my hair (gross) and washing so often led to more breakage and damage.

I had tried several DIY dry shampoo recipes and nothing really worked. I just looked like a ball of grease on days when I didn’t wash.

I’m currently loving and using Batiste Dry Shampoo. I’ve tried Living Proof and Cask but neither has worked as well as the Battiste. It allows me to go 3 - 4 days in between washes!

I’m trying out a silk pillowcase to see if that helps prolong style. Will report back with results.

I linked my favorite sulfate free shampoo above.

Per a friend’s recommendation, the next thing I’m getting is a water filter. He RAVED about this one on Amazon!


Being plant-based has its benefits, but one of them is not an overabundance of two important nutrients for long, healthy hair.

Calcium and protein

I’ve taken this calcium supplement for a year and can tell a difference when I don’t.

We gobble up Arbonne’s vanilla protein powder because its so tasty. However I use it as a guide to make sure I’m getting the recommended 50g a day.

20g at breakfast in my smoothie is a good start.

Other ways to use it >> add to coffee, add to cookies, add to ice cream (which is my fave!)

I know prenatal vitamins are common in the “grow long hair world”, I did decide on taking just biotin rather than a “multi”. My favorite is this brand and I take 2 capsules a day.



Accessories saveeeee me when I’m in between washes!

Headbands and scrunchies are easy!

But I love a ball cap too!

If I want to wear my hair in a bun, then I highly recommend these bobby pins! They hold really well!


While these are an investment, I am slowly working my way to new hair tools. My straightener is from high school and my hair dryer is about to die. :P

These are raved about online and my hair dresser swears by the ghd platinum straightener.

She said, “go with a new straightener first as it will do the most damage”.

TIP: Several of these tools are part of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (ends 8/8/21).



I’m not a big product gal. But I’ve heard so many good things about the OlaPlex No. 3.

Hair masks and thickening treatments and leave-in conditioners can do wonders to protect your strands for damage.

But I will add that a good scrub for your scalp can also make a difference! I use plain old baking soda and mix it with my shampoo twice a month. It’s amazing how different your hair is after your exfoliate your scalp!

What’s your go-to secrets for long luscious hair?

Tell me below in the comments!

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