"I should be able to do this"

Each week I find myself conversing with women about the state of their home.  

As I'm sharing my organizational philosophy, they are shaking their head in agreement. 

"This has been plaguing me for years."

"I just want to simplify and get my house in order."

All this is quickly followed up with one of two things:
1) Just tell me what to buy that will keep me organized and I'll order it online.  
2) I really should be able to do this myself. 

On the first response, I caution anyone who is looking for the easy solution to organization.  There is no such thing.  Yes there are products available that can support us once we are organized.  But they will not magically organize us.  

On the second point, I give out all the hugs.  Some are virtual and some are physical.  

In decades long past, the house was the domain of the woman.  It was her job and duty to her family to "keep it", that meant from decorating to cooking to cleaning to organizing.  

And you know what, our grandmothers were pretty good at it.  

But we live in a different world.  A world of "busy".  A world of "buying".  We are busier than ever and we have stuff available to us at the click of a button. 

So where does that leave us?

It leaves us caught in the middle somewhere of wanting to be supported in simplifying and feeling embarrassed that we have to ask for help. 

"Let me see if I can get myself together over the next few weeks, and if I can't then I will call you back."

The truth is that if you could, then you already would.  And there is no shame in asking for help. 

We ask for help by way of a housecleaner or a lawn service.  We ask for help when we drive up to AutoBell or purchase our groceries on Insta-cart. We ask for help when it comes to decorating our homes. 

Yet when it comes to organizing, we put on the brakes.  We feel embarrassed that we can't "just get it together".  

"What kind of woman/mom/wife am I?"

And to that I say, it is time to release that shame.  Shame is the lowest energy vibration and it feels terrible.  

Instead of beating ourselves up for asking for help, why don't we trust God to support us on the journey to a beautiful home.  For ourselves and our family. 

Asking for help doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you or that you are "bad".  It means that you trusting your own judgement.  It means that you are no longer interested in living in your current set of circumstances.  It means that you are ready for more and for better. 

Our homes say a lot about us and I am here to listen. 

If you are ready to ask for help, then I'm here supporting you with the trash bags open. 

Jennifer Burnham