Where's The White Space?

White space is that space to breathe in and out. Physically we know the difference between a too full home and a home that has plenty of space. 

Space to play a game. Space to paint. Space to draw. Space to cook.

We can FEEL the difference between too much and just right.

The same rings true in our calendars. 

Thanks to our masculine energy and our a masculine driven world, we pack a punch when it comes to getting things done. Our to do list and our calendars are full. 

Productive. Efficient!

Zero minute budgeting. Look at us getting all that done and using our time so wisely. 

We blot out the white with our purple and blue and yellow color codes. We fill and fill and squeeze and re-arrange. 

Never stopping to think

1), what should I ditch, and

2), what can someone else do because I clearly HATE it. 

But where is the white space?

The space to breathe. To be intuitive. To be spontaneous. To be creative. To nap and rest. 

Every hour doesn’t need to be spent and wisely used. While we can’t bank them for tomorrow, we try to squeeze every last drop out of every last minute. 

And this is a total drag.

It FEELS like living in a hoarded up living room stuffed with newspapers and magazines and boxes of junk you bought on eBay but never opened. 

No space in your day to breathe will leave you worn out. And annoyed. There is an end to that rope and you are likely to find out soon. 

No one is giving out prizes to job well done on efficiency. So why are you doing it? 

Who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to prove?

Being busy and having SO MUCH TO DO is a joke. It the world’s joke and it is on us. 

Ditch it. Slow down. Say no.

Prune the heck out of that to-do list. 

FashionJennifer Burnham