How are You Serving Others?

Our New-Age House Of Cards ...

Time moves so fast. 

     When time slows down. 

            When I find the time. 

What is going on with us and when did time become so elusive?

At the core of it, we are bored. Shopping is entertainment, busyness is the new status symbol, yet our home sizes are growing, along with our credit card balance and our waistline.

The danger to comfort is boredom. We’ve fallen asleep, like a coma sleep, in our lives.

We’ve spent years getting the high-paying job, buying up the stuff, filling the pretty house, all in an effort to build a life that serves us.

But how are we serving others?

We are all put on this planet to be in service to others. How we go about doing that will be unique to each of us, but somewhere along the way we have forgotten about our life’s calling, the one thing that can actually LIGHT US UP and fill us to overflowing.

We say, “well hang on, let me get this stuff first, this car, this house, take this vacation, secure little Johnny’s college fund, set up Mom in the assisted living home, and THEN I will work on the other piece.”

We’ve put the cart before the horse and forgotten that it is the horse that makes the cart go.

Comfortable is the place where no change happens. It is time that we wake up and get off the Lazyboy. Where is your soul pulling you? What do you feel on your heart to do and offer help and service to this world?

If you can’t hear it, then it is time to slow down and reconnect.
Stop saying yes.
Stop buying.
Stop vacating life for 2 weeks out of the year.

Build your daily to lift you up.

All the money and all the stuff is the sneakiest lie we tell ourselves. There is no happiness in either. Happiness is a feeling and it can only be felt when we are living our purpose in service to others.

Jennifer Burnham